Thursday, December 21, 2017

OUGD601 - Epistomology

Produce 1 x A3 design sheet that defines and outlines your research question and the design brief. Your sheet must address the following:

1. Research question
What are the benefits and implications of establishing strong visual identities within cultural institutions?

1a.What is there to study (ontology)? 

The arguments for and against, what are the important parts of an institution's visual identity? why are they important? Is there anything about cultural institutions and the way they are run that would make designing a consistent visual identity inappropriate? 

Is there a way to both enhance the appearance of the institution whilst accurately reflecting its array of programmes? 

How can we know about it (epistemology)? 

Research, questionnaires, observe. 

How do we study it (methodology)?

Create it and test it. 

2. Defining the design problem: Whilst your research question should provide opportunities for both contextual/theoretical research and practical research, you need to ensure that there is an obvious design problem to resolve/explore: 

Can the visual identity of an institution effect its popularity and the number of people who would want to go there/are aware of it?

3. "Client" needs or requirements: If there is a specific client or organisation or individual who you will be producing this work for (hypothetically) then you should take this opportunity to address any needs or requirements they may have. Similarly, if there is no obvious client needs then you should outline any specific requirements that will guide the project forward.

Holbeck underground ballroom. Wants people to view them as friendly, open and welcoming. Presents radical touring work from around the country to a local audience. 'No one else does what we do how we do it.' - Alan Lane, Director. 

4. Audience: Through defining the brief you should consider carefully who you are designing for and what implications this will have for the project (this can be tentative at this stage as audience research will offer further clarity).

Local Leeds audiences who have an interest in radical,

5. Mandatory requirements: Here you should outline (again, tentatively at this stage) what the mandatory requirements of the brief are. For example, adverts must include the slogan "just do it" or design outcomes must include the company logo or Typeface designs must be functional yet contemporary.

All collateral must feature a logo for Holbeck Underground ballroom, consistent type face, colour scheme and where possible, tone of voice. Typeface must be functional yet contemporary. 

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