Saturday, December 30, 2017

OUGD601 - Practical Research - Primary Research Images of HUB

I walked over to Holbeck to visit the HUB and to get an idea of the location where it was situated as I'd never been to that area before, although I had heard of it. The outside features a large courtyard where events are held in the summer months. 

The giant railway arches would provide an amazing canvas to be used as defining features with giant murals and street art covering them, perhaps with the words Holbeck Underground Ballroom or the letters HUB, similar to Snask's design of Kaiboshi's window display.


Below are more images of the area including a display of posters for the theatre, showing little consistency between typefaces, layout or in terms of a colour scheme. 

This sign was attached to the gate outside the HUB, which could be an interesting concept to explore in terms of a potential colour scheme relating to the theatre's history. 

When visiting the website there is virtually no branding or visual identity system in place, with a charcoal grey background, uninteresting layout and basic use of typography. The navigation and user experience is extremely ugly and provides no indication of the cutting edge and progressive performances that can be found at the HUB. 

The lack of any branding or visual identity provides me with a completely clean slate to work on and build upon, creating a fully new, fresh and engaging solution that will be consistent across its entire range of collateral. 

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