Thursday, November 16, 2017

OUGD601 - Practical Work - Questions to ask the Grand

1) If you had 30 seconds to explain to someone the essence of the Grand and the service it provides what would you say? 

2) Who are your 3 main competitors? What do you like about their presence? What do you like or dislike about their brand identity?

3) What about your background or service sets you apart from your competitors? Why should visitors choose you?

4) Is there a unique story behind the Grand's name and logo?

5) Describe the Grand in 5 adjectives or words.

6) What is the primary message you want to convey to your customers?

7). Do you have any market research about your clients that you can share with me such as age range? Most common age group to visit the Grand? 

8) What are your aims for the next 5 years?

9) What is/are your most popular attraction(s)/show(s)?

Dear sir/Madam,

Hello, I was wondering if you could help me? I am a graphic design student from Leeds Arts University currently in my final year of study, and am writing my dissertation on the benefits a strong visual identity can have for cultural institutions, such as theatres, museums and art galleries etc. 

Alongside my written essay I must also produce a body of practical work which reflects and contributes to the content of the essay and for this I would love to design a new concept for the visual identity of The Grand. This would include both print and digital collateral such as banners, posters, tickets and potentially a new website etc. 

On top of the research I have already conducted it would be great to either come down for an informal chat to ask a few questions about The Grand, or simply email over the list of questions that you could get back to me at your earliest convenience. This would give me more of an idea on the way the institution is run, it's aims and ambitions and therefore allow me to accurately produce a design that reflects the Grand as an institution.

This project is purely for my university portfolio so the information you provide will not be published publicly in any sort of way, however your involvement would be fantastic in terms of my research, findings and final design. 

Let me know if you are able to help out in any way at all!

Many thanks,

Beth Ewens 

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