Wednesday, November 8, 2017

OUGD601 - Essay - Second Tutorial notes and action plan

Chapter 1

Outline the points you're making and conclude chapter 1
Points: Honest, Values, Recognisable/Reputation

Chapter 2
  • Look into the motivation behind the thinking for visual identities of cultural institutions. Why? and How? 
  • Give examples, motivation 
  • Which aspects of chapter 1 are they utilizing? 
  • Draw Parallels
  • Can the designer draw out a solution from the client by understanding the way the institution works? And not impose it? 
  • When anti-branding is used in commercial brands, how do cultural institutions maintain a visual identity that differs critically to commerce?
  • Perceived values as a cultural institution must be perceived to be different to commercial products. Where does this come from? 
  • Ego gratification - Instagram, social media presence 
  • Packard - The Hidden Persuaders
  • How does the institution make money?   
  • Cultural institution is always about being progressive and new. Design and art are driven by the idea. 
Read Naomi Klein: No Logo. (Anti Branding)


Send Questions to professionals based on what you've discovered in your essay. 

Send the questions to both designers and clients. Potential People:
  • The Hepworth 
  • People that rebranded Hippodrome
  • OKRM - Exhibition branding  
  • Moving Brands 
1) What do you think are the most important parts of (name of institution)'s visual identity?

2) Does designing for cultural institutions require a particular approach? Are there particular considerations? 

3) Do you think it is necessary for arts and cultural institutions to have a strong visual identity? and why? 

4) According to (a theorist) identity should do this ___ do you agree?


Interview the Grand in Leeds - Contact them and tell them what you're doing, explain project. Interview them, their staff to find out about the grand and their values. 

Brand them: 
  • Logo, Signs
  • Posters, Banners etc. (3 Shows) Grid
  • Tickets
  • Wesbite, App

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