Tuesday, November 14, 2017

OUGD601 - Initial Ideas for practical

You should talk through each of your solutions in detail explaining a) how each resolves the design problem, b) your design decisions, c) material/production considerations and d) any distribution considerations:

Solution 1: 

Re-Design the visual identity for Leeds Grand Theatre, linking the identity to it's sister institutions, Hyde Park Picture House and the City Variety, whose visual identities would also be smartened up. Create a consistent visual identity between the three institutions that shows them to be part of the same company whilst simultaenously creating variation which celebrates them for their individual features. Similar to the approach of the Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle.

Many designers including Michael Bierut and Sean Perkins beleive consistency is the key element of designing a recognisable visual identity system.

‘Sameness is static and lifeless. Consistency is responsive and vibrant’ - Bierut.

'A strong, simple identifier that can imbue subliminal qualities of strength, security, trust and assurance' - Perkins.

The redesign would create a new overaching umberella brand eg. Leeds Entertainment Triangle that would ensure the reputation of delivering quality entertainment in Leeds was shared between the three institutions. Students in the Hyde Park area are extrmelely famiiar with Hyde Park Picture House and regularly attend screenings, however many have never heard of Leeds Grand Theatre or the City Varieties Music Hall. The oppostive is true for an older demographic of Leeds residents.The redesign would not only draw attention to the lesser known institions, depending on your demographic but showcase the attractions that go on there in a clearer more engaging and attractive way. 

Product and Distribution

Branding for each institution
Branding for over arching instition 
Advertising collateral
Print Collateral 

Feedback: This idea links well with my essay question and considering the research I have done for my essay I beleive the outcome would successfully improve the visibility and reputation of each of the 3 instituons. However redesigning the visual identities of 3 large instituins and an umberella brand would take a lot of time and could effect the quality and the outcome of the work. It may be worth considering the design of just one cultural instituion. 

Solution 2: 

Leeds is undergoing a multimillion dollar transformation, doubling the size of the city centre and rejuvinating the Southbank area near the train station. Holbeck Underground Ballroom, a tiny theatre space with a huge reputation for innovative performances but zero branding is in this area. Design the end to end branding and visual identity for the Holbeck Underground Ballroom, a cutting-edge theatre space in Leeds that will tie in with the development of the South Bank area. The design needs to reflect the bohemian and laid-back yet engaging nature of the theatre and be recognisable, consistent and honestly reflect the atmosphere of the theatre.

Feedback: The feedback I received for this idea was that it links much better with my essay and is much more appropriate for the time scale I have. It will be easier to design for as there are less performances meaning it will be easier to pinpoint the target audience and as there is currently little to no branding it provides me with a fresh slate to create an appropriate design for.

Solution 3: 

Design 2 solutions for the visual identity and collateral of an art Gallery, either real or conceptual, one with an approach that represents the overarching values of the institution (Ollin's Approach) and one that represents the diversity of the programming within (Bell's Approach) Then test the two designs on a target audience to see which approach is more effective / popular in attracting more visitors to the institution. 

Product and Distribution

2 x designs for branding the institution
2 x approaches to advertising collateral
2 x approaches to wayfinding 
2 x Digital approaches
2 x Print Collateral 

Feedback: This idea links well with the argument in my essay and would be a good way of exploring it in a practical way, putting the theories I have written about to the test. However it may be hard to test as people's opinions would be subjective of their aesthetic preferences therefore testing it on a 'which do you think it better' basis wouldn't be effective in decifering which aproach is better. 

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