Tuesday, April 18, 2017

OUGD501 - Essay Feedback and points to consider

  • Don't make sweeping generalisations-casual use of the term aesthetics.
  • Develop triangulation further between the sources
  • Can use non-academic sources into what makes a particularly desirable package design.
  • Moments through the essay where you say ____,_____,_____, all agree that the quintessential package design has to do, x, y or z.
  • Drawing together commonalities
  • This is what a package is, having said that the package design for a boutique, canny consumer will steer away from that base idea of what a package says. and have x, y and z, which relates the Catherine Jansson-Boyd article of consumer psychology. 
  • Good package design has to do x, y, z as said by ____,____ and ____.But a perfect package design for someone who wants to buy a certain sort of Indian green tea soap has to do something else. Because we're projecting and eco-ideal and canny consumer politics. 

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