Tuesday, March 21, 2017

OUGD501 - Study Task 07 - SB2 - 3. Idea generation + prototypes Page

Task: Idea Generation


1 x design sheet demonstrating a range of initial ideas 

3 x design sheets visualising 3 different solutions to your brief


Idea generation / material considerations (1 A3 design sheet)

Requirements: Produce at least 20 rough ideas/scamp/thumbnail solutions to the problem. Where applicable your ideas should be accompanied by necessary material considerations (production methods, medium, scale, etc.) including a discussion of the impact of material decisions.

Research considerations / justifications: 
  • Stock
  • Print
  • Binding
  • Colour
  • Images
  • Typography
  • Principles (functional, rational, expressive, modernist / postmoddernist, hierachy)
  • Audience (Socio-economic, gender, age, race, etc.)
  • User Experience
  • Usability
  • Canons
Prototype solutions:

3 x graphic prototypes (3 proposed solutions) (3 A3 design sheets)


3 x proposed solutions derived from idea generation stage. Visualisations can be fairly rough at this stage but they must be accompanied by an explanation/justification in reference to the original problem/brief. At this stage it will be necessary to seek feedback on your proposed ideas from peers and tutors. Feedback will help to direct your developments.

Mandatory Requirements

You must show that you are aware of the role of contextual awareness and research within the idea generation and proposal stage of the design process. You must show that your ideas are informed both by the nature of the brief and your developing knowledge of design in general.

Thumbnail Sketches

I sketched out a variety of different ideas that had the potential to explore the relationship between the function of a piece of packaging and it’s form. 

Concepts I played around with included stripping back packaging to the bare minimum or creating packaging that could be reused, repurposed or recycled easier. I also considered creating packaging which was not only beautiful to look at in it’s own right such as Mikyoung Jeong’s tool packaging, but enhanced the product itself by allowing the consumer to view it better. 

Concept 1: Take a piece of packaging which is ugly yet functional such as a tin of paint and make it aesthetically pleasing, researching current trends, whilst simultaneously making the design easier to understand and use. 

Feedback: This would be an interesting approach as many DIY packaging solutions don't really consider current trends in design and are usually purely functional. They can be difficult to understand. A well laid out tin considering typography, colour and layout would improve both functionality and form.

Linking back to essay: A lot of my essay explores the way in which the aesthetics of a product can affect the usability.

Ideas - Research Dulux and Farrow and Ball Paint tins and look at product, range and distribution. Look at the order of how things are read. Prioritizing the most important information.

It is important to understand the target audience of who would be buying the paint tin as you wouldn't want the packaging to act as a deterrent from that brand.

Concept 2: Redesign a range of packaging such as Dulux so it has fleuncy across it's range making it easier to use and understand. so that it enhances the ethos of the product within and becomes more timeless. 

Feedback: This would be interesting to explore and would relate back to Catherine Jansson-Boyd as the packaging itself would emulate the product and how the consumer sees themselves.

Look into different ways of how packaging can be environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Concept 3: Re-Design a piece of packaging so that people want to keep it and reuse it for a different purpose, exploring why some people keep hold of packaging, eg. you like how it looks and want to keep hold of it. 

May be hard to think of target audience as different people have different emotional attachments to different objects.

People only tend to keep hold of packaging that is personal to them.

After feedback I began to understand that concept one had the most potential and was the better concept because of how this relates directly to my essay. It implements the idea that if something is designed more beautifully it can become easier to understand and use, therefore enhancing the role of the product packaging eg. it's function. This would back up my reading and prove that When something looks nice or is aesthetically pleasing it makes us feel good which in turn allows us to think more creatively. This in turn makes products easier for us to use and understand as people find solutions to the problems they encounter more quickly. (Spillers, F. 2004)

Practically investigating the relationship between Form and Function in packaging design.

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