Wednesday, November 23, 2016

OUGD501 - Study Task 03 - Defining the Brief

Produce 1 x A3 design sheet that defines and outlines your research question and the design brief. Your sheet must address the following:

1. Research question: Should form follow function in packaging design? 

1a.What is there to study (ontology)? 

The arguments for and against, why is form important in packaging design? Why is function important? Which is more important? 

Is there a way to both enhance the functionality of a product as well as its form?

How can we know about it (epistemology)? 

Research, questionnaires, observe. 

How do we study it (methodology)?

Create it and test it. 

2. Defining the design problem: Whilst your research question should provide opportunities for both contextual/theoretical research and practical research, you need to ensure that there is an obvious design problem to resolve/explore: 

A product requires a form of packaging which is both beautiful in form / Aesthetically beautiful yet extremely functional eg. no waste, isn't thrown way, protects the product, is environmentally friendly and enhances the product.

3. "Client" needs or requirements: If there is a specific client or organisation or individual who you will be producing this work for (hypothetically) then you should take this opportunity to address any needs or requirements they may have. Similarly, if there is no obvious client needs then you should outline any specific requirements that will guide the project forward.

Eco conscious brands / clients, interested in functional packaging design that isn't excessive and needs to be there yet is also beautiful. Stripped back and straightforward to use.

4. Audience: Through defining the brief you should consider carefully who you are designing for and what implications this will have for the project (this can be tentative at this stage as audience research will offer further clarity).

Eco conscious consumers, vegans, people passionate about the environment but also trendy and with an eye for well thought out considered design.

5. Mandatory requirements: Here you should outline (again, tentatively at this stage) what the mandatory requirements of the brief are. For example, adverts must include the slogan "just do it" or design outcomes must include the company logo or Typeface designs must be functional yet contemporary.

Design must be be functional in some way eg. reduce waste or have zero waste or perform better, easier to understand.  Every design decision should consider why it is needed, if it is doing a job and how it could be less impactful on the environment / easier to use. Design should also be beautiful and stand out from other products on the shelf increasing it's form as well as function. 

For Studio Brief 02 I will create a form of product packaging which makes a design functional as well as help the product stand out on the shelf from it's competition. 

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