Wednesday, September 28, 2016

OUGD501 - Introduction to Level 5 Cop - Lecture Notes

Key differences in Level 5: Emphasis on Visual research

Lecture programme runs right the way through the year and links to level 6, forming the basis of themes that will be explored.

Asking for the same sort of stuff. Attend and engage in the lectures.

Make practical work, simultaneously with written work. Drawings, story boards, sketches synthesised with essays.

Making, thinking, writing, designing all as one - synthesised.

Dissertation alongside body of work.

Not just understand that there was a writer _______ be able to challenge their work and find criticism of it.

Logical arguments, developing arguments for a reason. Critical judgement. purpose in why you do things. Higher level of reflective critical analysis of own work aswell as that of other people.

Research with an aim. What processes will you use to get a result you want.

Independently manage your own projects.

Philosophy, theories and ideas.


Society: social patterns and ways in which we are socially controlled and disciplined in a mental sense.

Culture: the idea of culture. Cultural studies.

Politics: Pyramid capitalist systems. The media, money, aristocracy, the state. DIY anticapitalist events, more engaged, more political climate.

History: How has history been recorded, what is history, certain representations. History is not about facts, it's a series of accepted judgements that get cemented as the truth of the world. If the nazis had won the war, history would be completely different.

Technology: cyber theories, the digital age.

Aesthetics: Design aesthetics an investigation into the beautiful and how the beautiful effects us. what makes things beautiful?

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