Wednesday, December 16, 2015

OUGD401 - Study Task 5 - Planning and Structuring an Essay

Which Academic Sources will you reference?

Ollins, W (2003). Wally Ollins On Brand. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.. p8-27.
Marty Neumeier (2005). The Brand Gap. Berkeley, CA: New Riders. p1-30.
L, Giles (1998). Brandwatching. Dublin: Blackhall Publishing. p2.
Gobé, M (2009). Emotional Branding. New York: Allworth Press. p10-40.
Piotr Wrzosiński. (2014). A Marlboro Man Story. Available: Last accessed 15th Dec 2015.
What Graphic Design will you analyse?
Marlborough Man Campaign


How certain drinks are advertised
Essay Map - 4 Main Points of Your Argument
Central Argument: Branding is controlled by the consumer. 

Brands create a lifestyle rather than a product.

Brands are aimed at certain demographics to increase sales. 

Brands have to change to keep up with consumers needs / desires.
FOUR sentences, each outlining a different element of your central argument:
Brands have to be bigger than the products they are selling to maintain a loyal customer base in the market. 
Brands such as redbull create a lifestyle that consumers aspire towards. By buying these products the consumers life will be better in some way.

Marlborough changed their demographic to young males as that was the more financially attractive target market.

Social media has made brands have to up their game in order to stay up to date with current trends and not fall off the scene. 
You should also refer to how this essay map links to the key sources that you have highlighted and the example(s) of Graphic Design practice.

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