Tuesday, December 13, 2016

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 02 - Target Audience Research

When considering who would be the target audience of Hardware and DIY products I had to identify who the consumers of these products were targetting. This is where I started my research into who commonly bought these products including age, gender, occupation and household income etc. 

I found an extremely insightful article that researched in depth a complete range of consumers of these products and these were the findings and statistics:

Characteristics of the DIY Consumer by Zach Williams

DIY Consumer profiles include buyers from multiple generations, incomes and geographical regions.

DIY Consumers are not just crafty housewives with a Pinterest board. And, DIY consumers don't just do-it-themselves. DIY Consumers are savvy, modern shoppers who want a tailored shopping experience. They cover a large demographic and care more about buying unique, high-quality products than pinching pennies.

Based on what we're seeing in shopping trends here are 10 characteristics that define the DIY Consumer:

1. Saving Money is Not the Only Reason why poeple DIY

  • The biggest misconception with DIYers is that they are solely driven by the desire to save money. Although saving money does play a factor, our recent survey of DIYers shows that only 39% of DIYers are DIYing specifically to save money.
  • People are being driven to do DIY projects because they feel like they can handle the task and just because the enjoy the work.
2. Quality, Value and the Experience Matter More than Price
  • A recent Google study revealed that 47% of home improvement projects were done because people take pleasure in doing DIY projects.
  • People take on DIY projects because they enjoy it and when people enjoy something, they are more willing to spend money on it. 
  • This is why we've seen such a rise in demand for media outlets like HGTV, The DIY Network and even aspects of Martha Stewart's brand. People want to have a positive home improvement experience which means they are willing to pay more for products that will help make this happen.
3. They Cover a Wide Ranging Demographic
  • DIYers are a unique consumer set because they don't neatly fit into one demographic or another.  
  • They come from all different age ranges, income levels, and geographic locations.
A few stats that exemplify their diversity are:
  • Nearly 50% of DIY Consumers are female. Until recently, this market was dominated by Men. With the accessibility of online training materials and how-to videos, women are venturing out even more into the DIY scene.
  • 52% of DIYers are 24 to 44 years old which means the majority of DIYers are from two different generations: Millennials and Gen X. Most DIYers in this age range are taking on DIY projects because of a life changing event such as buying a home, getting married or having a child.
  • DIYers ages 35 - 54 are often times driven by the desire to increase energy efficiency.
  • Consumers aged 55 and over are taking on DIY projects for things like household repairs, and preparation for growing older in their homes.
4. They are Constantly Looking for Ways to be Inspired
  • 84% of DIYers are looking at inspirational content all year round, not just when they want to start a project.
  • Your brand can connect with DIY Consumers by providing ideas on how they can use your product on their next project.
  • Showcase what other customers have done with your products on your Pinterest and YouTube pages.
  • Give creative tutorials on different projects people can take on.
  • People love to share the great ideas they see as well as what they've done. Remember to offer consumers opportunities to interact with your brand by posting on your social media pages about how they've successfully used your products and what they think about them.
5. Phones and Tablets are Their Go-To Shopping Resource

It's no secret that people are shopping on tablets and mobile devices, but how and when they are shopping on them is what's interesting: consumers are using their mobile and tablet devices before, during and after they purchase.

First, they are looking at online reviews, finding out about the products they need and getting a feel for how well your product will work in their project.

Then, they are visiting stores to check out the product. 82% of DIY shoppers are still shopping in stores. Ensure your website and online materials are mobile compatible, so DIY Consumers can access information about your brand when they want, where they want.

Lastly, and the one I think marketers forget the most, many shoppers use a digital device to look up installation and warranty information after they purchase a product. So, don't bury this type product information in a PDF link. Give it the same level of thought and effort as the rest of your marketing materials.

It can leave a real sour taste in the consumer's mouth if they have a tough time accessing the materials needed to use your product.

Even if the entire experience leading up to the purchase went well, if consumers can't easily navigate your website to find the information they need, they may hesitate to purchase your brand in the future.

6. Green Products and Smart Home Technology Get Their Attention (and their dollars)

DIYers are exceptionally green-conscious. They are looking to purchase products that are created ethically, sustainably and possibly offer benefits to underprivileged communities or people groups.

Smart home technology and our ability to control features of our home remotely is a basically new concept. At least it's availability to the general public is pretty new.

The DIY Consumers ages 18 - 54 are extra attracted to Smart Home Technology (1). Two variables will convince them to purchase your smart home tech products: easy installation and integration with mobile apps.

7. The DIY Consumer is here to stay

The desire to personalize your home, and help the environment and help your wallet will continue to drive the growth of the DIY Consumer.

The Home Improvement Industry as a whole is projected to reach $322.4 Billion by 2015. This year alone, nearly 40% of Americans considered starting a DIY project. The DIY Consumer is here and growing. How is your brand going to convince them to purchase from you?


Mintel Group Ltd. (2013). DIY Home Improvement and Maintenance - US. Chicago: Mintel Group Ltd.

In this survey DIYers from every part of the United States were asked them about their home project plans for 2015.  DIYers actually intersect between several other major consumer sets, such as Millennials and Generation X consumers. Striking patterns emerge in their places of residence and the projects they want to take on. The data that we’ve gathered here not only shows that the DIY Consumer is here to stay, but that they are actively moving in the building materials market. Companies that work on winning their loyalty now will be able to see gains from their purchases for many years to come.

From this survey I have learnt that the target audience of my redesigned hardware packaging would be a varied split of men and women from all ages, incomes and professions. Therefore I would have to keep my packaging gender and age neutral, ensuring that it was easy for eveyone to understand. 

As this is an American Survey I looked for some British ones to see if the statists matched and it found that it still correlated with women also playing a big part in home improvements here too. 

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2609369/Sisters-doing-Now-60-women-say-theyre-charge-DIY-mens-practical-skills-decline.html

And 2 more infographics on DIY I found: 

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