Tuesday, March 1, 2016

OUGD401- Study Task 08 - Practical exploration

My Question:

What is the relationship between Branding and the Consumer self?

Proposed Outcomes: 

Re-Branding of a product, focussing on the lifestyle rather than the brand.

What Processes will I explore?:

Photography, potentially letterpress, typography, illustration

How will your practical work relate to your essay?: 

My essay explores how the brand controls the product and in turn, controls the customer. My rebranding would explore how the way a product is marketed effects the type of consumers who would buy it.

Do you need to do any additional research?:

I need to change one of the sections of my essay to fit in with the overall theme of how a brand targets a particular lifestyle, so need to do more research. 

What have you done and what do you need to do? 

- Update Essay 
- Choose an inanimate object to rebrand
-Take Photography
- Do the Branding 

Think about: 

- Branding in terms of lifestyle. 
- Packaging
- Ad Campaign

Products to consider: Watches, perfume

Celebrities in adverts are very influential


For the body of practical work for COP the aim is to produce a piece of work that reflects and relates to our essay. The question I selected for this brief was 'What is the relationship between branding and the consumer self?'.

For this we have to produce practise based research into the subject area, this will consist of discovering and generating knowledge associated with this topic. The work has to establish a critical understand of the issue through practise-based research.

Rational for My Practical Work:

The conclusion for my essay is that branding is controlled by consumers as they create lifestyles that consumers associate themselves with and want to be a part of. If consumers do not associate themselves with what a brand is trying to acheive then they will not buy into that brands products and ultimately that brand will fail.
The response of the practical side of this brief should explore how a brand can be aimed at a particular demographic and certain lifestyle. 

The content of the research will include other brands that aim their products at a certain demographic and certain packaging and advertising that is aimed at women.

I will also research into the effects using this approach has on existing brands.